New site templates Office of International Students Ferdowsi University of Mashhad,In the summer of 1394, according to the agency by the Hadis Ahmadian Yazdi was reviewed and redesigned

International Students Office

Address: International Students Office

Danesh Blvd., Campus of Ferdowsi University of Mashhad, Azadi Square, Mashhad, Khorassan Razavi, Iran

Postal Code: 9177948980

TEL: 0098-5138802700





      Dr. Zeinab Moazenzadeh

 Head of International Students Office






Dr. Zeinab Moazenzadeh

 (Head of Office)

tel: 0098-5138802700

IMG 8410

 Mr. Mohammad Kamali Nasab

(Deputy Head of Office)

tel: 0098-5138802702


 Ms. Malihe Ariya Manesh


tel: 0098-5138802700


 Mr. Alireza Hosseini


tel: 0098-5138802703



Mr. Hooman Ahmadian Yazdi

(General Affairs)
tel: 0098-5138802711




In order to enter Iranian universities, non-Iranian students are required to go through certain processes. The International Students Office (ISO), which is a main unit of International Academic Relations Department of FUM, was founded in August 2014 to mark the foundation of the first of its kind in the country. The aim of establishing this office was to facilitate effective communication between non-Iranian students and the admission officials of the university, and therefore the website, was launched in three languages (Persian, English, and Arabic) to respond to applicants’ questions online.

Upon contacting the university and having their qualifications approved, applicants must contact Consular Affairs at FUM, which is one of the most challenging stages of the application process. In order for applicants to be able to interact more effectively with the officials, the Consular Affairs is based in ISO, which allows the officials to respond to non-Iranian students’ requests and problems as fast as possible.

The International Students Office aims at building bridges and pathways among the cultures and customs of different nations. Through becoming familiar with the culture of non-Iranian students, ISO is trying to find common ground and strengthen the ties between the cultures and boost the spirit of international students by holding scientific camping trips, religious tours, sports competitions, etc.

Non-Iranian students have been actively contributing to cultural activities for quite some time. However, with the establishment of ISO, the foundation for an even more contribution of non-Iranian students to cultural activities is laid. With their innovation, creativity, motivation, and enthusiasm, non-Iranian students can assist the university to expand such cultural and scientific activities.